10 easy ways to manipulate a manipulator (because they can be quite predictable)

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We’ve all crossed paths with them — those crafty individuals who can twist words, exploit emotions, and make us question our own worth. 

Manipulators have a knack for making us feel small, powerless, and stuck in a cycle we can’t seem to escape. 

But what if I told you that you can flip the script? That you can reclaim your power? 

In this article, I’m sharing 10 counter-tactics to help you guard your emotional territory against manipulators. 

It’s time to stop feeling like a pawn in someone else’s game. Let’s arm ourselves with knowledge and take back control.

1) Counter-tactic for gaslighting

Imagine you’re in a situation where someone is trying to rewrite your history, making you doubt your own memories and judgments. 

This is gaslighting, and it can feel like you’re losing your grip on reality. 

One effective counter-tactic is to ask probing questions that force them to clarify their own statements. 

For example, if they claim you said something you didn’t, you could respond with, “That’s interesting, when exactly did I say that? Can you remind me of the context?” 

The more specific and detailed the questions, the harder it will be for them to maintain their fabricated story. 

This not only keeps you anchored in your truth but also puts them on the defensive. Now they’re the ones who have to prove their claims, putting the spotlight back on their own manipulative behavior.

2) Counter tactic for guilt-tripping

You know that sinking feeling when someone lays on the guilt, making it seem like you owe them something? 

Guilt-tripping is a manipulator’s bread and butter, aiming to twist your emotions into compliance. 

A great way to counter a guilt-trip is by calling attention to a higher moral ground or a responsibility that the manipulator is ignoring. 

If they’re trying to guilt you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with, you could say, “Shouldn’t you be more concerned about how this affects everyone involved, not just yourself?” 

This tactic shines a light on their own ethical shortcomings, thereby shifting the focus away from you and back onto them. 

Suddenly, they’re the ones who have to answer for their actions, and the emotional leverage they thought they had starts to crumble.

3) Counter-tactic for the silent treatment

Ever been met with a wall of silence when someone wants to manipulate you into feeling anxious or insecure? 

The silent treatment is an age-old tactic designed to make you squirm, leaving you desperate to break the silence just to regain a sense of normality. But what if, instead, you revel in it?

The next time someone gives you the silent treatment, take a deep breath and say something like, “Wow, it’s so peaceful and quiet. I could really get used to this.” 

By pretending to enjoy the silence, you’re taking away the manipulator’s power. 

Suddenly, the tables have turned; they may start feeling anxious or unsettled, wondering why their go-to tactic isn’t working. 

You’ve just flipped the script, and the silence that was meant to disarm you is now disarming them.

4) Counter-tactic for playing the victim

Some people are always the “victim,” acting helpless or misunderstood. This tactic aims to make you feel sympathy, and before you know it you’re bending over backward to assist them.

But here’s how to keep them accountable instead: the next time you’re faced with a chronic “victim,” express extreme enthusiasm for helping them solve their own problem. 

Say something like, “Oh, that sounds tough, but I know you can handle it! What’s your plan to fix this?” 

By doing this, you push the responsibility back onto them. They wanted you to carry the weight, but now they’re faced with the daunting task of solving their own issues. 

The spotlight is back on them, and they may think twice before trying to manipulate you into becoming their rescuer again.

5) Counter-tactic for emotional blackmail

We’ve all heard the emotionally charged statements that make you feel cornered: “If you loved me, you would do X.” 

These words are designed to manipulate you into doing something by making you try to prove your feelings or commitment. 

The weight of the emotional blackmail can make you feel trapped, like there’s no way out — but there is.

The next time you hear an emotionally manipulative statement, throw it back with, “If you loved me, you wouldn’t put me in this position.” 

This counter-tactic flips their own emotional card against them. Suddenly, they have to grapple with the idea that maybe, just maybe, their manipulative request is out of line. 

6) Counter-tactic for projecting blame

Another thing manipulators do is try to blame you for something they’re clearly guilty of themselves. It’s like being caught in a psychological hall of mirrors where they project their shortcomings onto you. 

This tactic is both confusing and infuriating because you find yourself defending against accusations that are flat-out untrue.

Instead of doing that, next time agree with them — but point out examples in their own behavior. 

For example, if they accuse you of being selfish for not lending them your car, you could say, “Hmm, if this is selfish, then wouldn’t that mean that when you refused to help me last week when I needed it, that was selfish?” 

By directly challenging the manipulator’s own record or behavior, you turn their tactic of projection back onto them. 

This forces them to either defend their own actions or abandon their tactic, thus giving you the upper hand.

7) Counter-tactic for bait and switch

You’ll know the bait and switch when you see it: someone promises you one thing but changes the terms at the last minute. 

Imagine you’ve just moved into a new apartment. Your buddy offers to help you in exchange for a casual dinner — pizza, they said. But once all your stuff is safely inside, they suddenly have a hankering for an expensive steakhouse. 

This is obviously very unfair — so here’s how to put the ball back in your court. 

Tell them, “Oh, a steakhouse? That’s quite a leap from pizza. Well, if we’re upgrading the dinner plans, how about you also help me unpack and set up my living room? Otherwise, pizza was the original deal.” 

Now they have to decide: put in extra work for that upscale meal or stick to the initial, more favorable deal. 

8) Counter-tactic for playing dumb

So you’ve had those conversations where the other person conveniently plays dumb, right? Pretending not to get what you’re saying or acting like the whole situation is a mystery. 

It’s a classic way to dodge responsibility. But guess what? Two can play at that game.

Lay out your argument or facts so clearly that they’d have to make themselves out to be an idiot not to get it. 

Then, toss the ball into their court, asking them to spell out their perspective with the same level of detail. Watch them squirm as they try to weave a convincing story without the facts on their side. 

Chances are, they’ll think twice before playing dumb with you again.

9) Counter-tactic for overcomplicating

Here’s another common tactic of manipulators: they use big words, intricate sentences, and a sea of details to confuse you. 

The aim? To make you doubt yourself, so you’re easier to manipulate. But don’t worry, there’s a way to untangle this web.

The next time you’re confronted with a jargon-filled spiel, take a deep breath and simplify it right back at them. 

Boil down their elaborate monologue into something as basic as, “So what you’re saying is, you want me to do X for you, right?” 

By doing this, you pull the veil off their manipulation. You make it clear that you see through the complexity, stripping them of the power to confuse you. 

This simple yet potent response will make them second guess their approach and, more importantly, give you back control of the situation.

10) Counter-tactic for intimidation

Unfortunately, you might find yourself in a situation where someone tries to bully or intimidate you into doing what they want. 

It’s like they’re using their size, tone, or words as a sledgehammer to force you into submission. But guess what? You don’t have to be a pushover.

Let’s say someone is pressuring you to take on extra work with an aggressive tone: “If you don’t do this, I’ll make sure you regret it.” 

You could calmly respond with, “It would be unfortunate if the team found out that you’re incapable of doing your own work.” 

Boom. You just turned their intimidation tactic back on them. By doing so, you not only neutralize their aggression but also make them have some skin in the game too. 

They’ll have to think twice about using intimidation as their go-to tool, and you regain your footing in the power dynamics.

Empower yourself: turning the tables on manipulation

There you have it — 10 effective counter-tactics to protect yourself from manipulators who might try to steer you off course. 

Remember, awareness is the first step to empowerment. By understanding the game they’re playing, you’re halfway to winning it. 

And when you can turn a manipulator’s tactic back on them, you not only protect yourself but also throw a wrench in their machinery of deceit. 

So go on, be brave, and take control of your own narrative. You’re stronger than their tricks, and you deserve to live life on your terms.

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Tina Fey

I'm Tina Fey, the founder of the blog Love Connection. I've extremely passionate about sharing relationship advice. I've studied psychology and have my Masters in marital, family, and relationship counseling. I hope with all my heart to help you improve your relationships, and I hope that even if one thing I write helps you, it means more to me than just about anything else in the world. Check out my blog Love Connection, and if you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter

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